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Monday, 17 February 2014

Read- Alouds

Enjoying Reading Together

It is essential for children to read every day as it helps develop within the children a love for reading as well as a great way to develop comprehension, fluency and word attack skills.
In Year Three the children listen to the teacher read on a daily basis. One way for the children to develop a love for reading is for them to participate in in read-aloud sessions. These sessions involve the teacher thinking-allowed about different strategies to use to help understand the text, decipher unknown words or develop an understanding of the story being read. 
Currently we are enjoying the book 'Charlotte's Web' during read- aloud sessions. You may like to ask your child what has been happening in the story, who are the main characters or ask them to describe the setting of the story. When reading the story we have also been making a list of words that the children may not be familiar with. They are encouraged to use these words in their own writings. 
Today the children wrote a brief summary of what happens during a 'Read-aloud' session. 

We are listening to 'Charlotte's Web'. The characters in Charlotte's Web are Charlotte, Wilbur, Templeton, Fern and Avery. It is set on a farm in America.  When listening to Miss Veling we learn about ways we can work out unknown words and the meaning of the story. In our classroom we have a list of words from the book and our teachers have challenged us to use them in our work. 
James B, Aarushi, Sophia F, Tim 

We are reading 'Charlotte's Web'.

Miss Veling lets us hold her spider friend - Charlotte.

We all love our little pal - Wilbur.

The teachers share strategies they use when reading.


  1. Charlotte's Web was one of my all time favourite books as a young girl. I love this story. My favourite character was Wilbur of course - what was yours?

  2. We love reading together .. ask Johnny :)
