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Sunday, 7 December 2014

Favourite Memories of Year 3 2014

What a Year!!!

We have had such a fantastic Year. Mrs Standring and myself have seen so much growth in all of your learning Year 3. 
We would love you to write some of your favourite memories of Year 3 below :) 

One of my favourite memories was seeing you all involved in building our flag poles for our Simple Machine unit. You all worked so well in your teams to produce a flag pole for your table groups. I think we all learnt some wonderful skills that day from our handyman Dads and Mrs Standring (You're husband is a great teacher). Miss V

Advent Calendars and Wreaths


Homework for last week for Year 3 was to make their own Advent calendar or wreath to bring into class. 

Mrs Standring and myself are blown away by your creativity with this task Year 3. I had to post some photos of the amazing work you have created for everyone to see. Well done Year 3!!!!

Miss V :) 

Monday, 1 December 2014

Influenced by Kandinsky

Artists in Year Three

Over the last few weeks, Year Three have been enjoying creating artworks themed on our local community. In particular we have been creating abstract art influenced by a Russian artists named - Kandinsky. Kandinsky was born in Russia but eventually moved to France.

While investigating his work we noticed he composed artwork that was not only abstract in its appearance but showed a balance of black and white and bright primary colours. we created some interesting pieces showing the influence of Kandinsky.


Lately we have been doing a wonderful piece of art inspired by the famous artist Kandinsky. It has sharp black and white buildings followed by hot, cool and complimentary colours in side different sized circles.

They look very effective hanging in our classroom. This artwork was an assessment so we all did our very best. All of Year Three thought this artwork was a very good experience in life.


Create a Kandinsky inspired Christmas card. The best designs will be used to run masterclasses in the lead up to Christmas.


Thursday, 20 November 2014


Splish! Splash!

During weeks 6 and 7 Year 3 have been attending swimming lessons at Aquabliss Seven Hills. The students learn a variety of swimming skills as well as essential water safety knowledge in a fun yet challenging environment.

Challenge:List some of the water safety skills you learnt during swimming OR Tell us what your favourite water activity is.

 Student Blog:

On the 10th of November Kindergarten  Year 1, 2, 3 and 4 began swimming lessons. We learnt new strokes and survival tips in the water. We did back stroke, freestyle and also torpedoes. Some people got to do torpedo races. Another fun jump we learnt was the pin drop into the big pool. 

There were 6 groups a, b, c, d, e, and f. The teachers were all so nice to us and gave us great tips and advice about our swimming. We went to swimming everyday for 2 weeks. We will miss going. We loved it very much!!

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Drama and Yoga

This term Year 3 is participating in Yoga and Drama lessons.

Drama takes place every second Thursday afternoon. The students are completing a unit on explorers which will skill them in improvisation and movement. They will learn to:
·       express dramatic meaning by taking on and sustaining familiar and different roles and by selecting character-specific props, gestures and movements
·       use the elements of drama to deepen the meaning of the drama and in discussing drama work
·       interpret the meaning of their own drama and that of others

The students have completed freeze frames from the story book “Where the Wild Things Are”. A freeze frame is a silent, motionless depiction of a scene. The students use their bodies to make an image or picture capturing an idea, theme, or moment in time. Check out the photos below!!!


Our Yoga lessons take place every Wednesday for 15 minutes. Yoga enhances physical flexibility, refines balance and coordination, develops focus and concentration and boosts self-esteem and confidence. Year 3 have been following a program called Cosmic Kids. This is an online yoga lesson for kids where they are taken on a journey while completing different yoga moves.
The students have all learnt the secret yoga code…..Namaste.


Post below your favourite thing about drama or yoga time
Choose a picture book you really enjoy complete a freeze frame on your favourite page in the book. Take a photo and bring it into class to be displayed.

Student Blog

In class we have been doing yoga on Wednesday and drama on Thursday they are so FUN! 
3 2 1....ACTION!! Now for drama. we play a warm up game called the treasure box, where we pass a box around a circle and each person must pretend to  silently open the lid using expression and different emotions. The an item such as skipping, a bike or whatever the person wants to pull put of the magic box. The person then pretend to use it as if it was real. The treasure box gets passed around the circle. Another warm up activity we play is pass the torch. The aim of the game is to sing a song and when the songs finishes if you are the last one holding the torch you need to pull a scary, funny, crazy face in front of the class without laughing. 

Namaste!! Yoga is a relaxing moment. 
We do yoga to relax and to keep calm. We do drama to explore our imagination and to refresh our minds to have a moment with ourselves. We learn about all the moves through fun missions. We love it!!!

Sunday, 2 November 2014


"I'm Backkkkkkkk" 

These were the words we heard in our Year 3 classroom this morning.  

Year 3, especially myself, have missed Mrs Standring very much and we are so happy to have her back with us. I know Mrs Standring was overwhelmed with all the love this morning and also the beautiful flowers and chocolates given to her from Year 3. 

I would like to say a big thank you to Mrs Shelton who has helped us in Year 3 for the first 4 weeks. 

Miss Veling :)

Thursday, 30 October 2014

The Rosary

The Rosary and Our Stained Glass Windows

The Month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. The purpose of the Rosary is to help keep in memory certain principal events or mysteries in the history of our salvation, and to thank and praise God for them.The Rosary is not only a mental prayer, but also a vocal prayer in which we meditate on the virtues of the Life, Death, Passion and Glory of Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary.

Year 3 have been praying one decade of the rosary every day during the month of October. In class we use an app called iRosary this is a great way for the children to follow along with the prayers and to access visuals on each of the mysteries. It also displays an animated set of rosary beads. 

On Thursdays we prayed the rosary in the Marian Chapel. In the Marian Chapel there is a beautiful stained glass window of Mary. The children thought it would be a great idea if we could replicate our own stained glass window. They look fantastic!!! Come check them out in our classroom. 

Challenge :

Can you list the 20 different mysteries we prayed during the rosary? 
Write a short procedure on how to make a stained glass window

Children's Blog

In class we have been saying the rosary and we remember the different mysteries. Our prayer space people James and Clare have been leading us with the rosary on the iRosary app. This is great for us the follow and see pictures. On Thursdays we go up to the Marian Chapel and say the rosary in front of the stained glass window of Mary. Last week we got to make our own awesome stained glass windows of Mary. They turned out really well and we had a lot of fun!!!! Mrs Bel even wanted some in her office. Check out these photos:

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Harry Potter and Silent Writing

Harry Potter

During our read aloud sessions in Term 3 and the beginning of Term 4 Year 3 read the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. The children and the teachers we very engrossed in the book and could not wait for 11.30 to come each day. The students have written a book review in their blog.

Student blog review:
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is written by J.K. Rowling. Year 3 had the pleasure of reading Harry Potter last term. In the story Harry Potter and his friend Ron and Hermione defeat a troll and play the biggest chess game in Hogwarts. They also defeat Voldemort and win the house cup. It was amazing!
This book would be great for any age whether you are 6 or 100.

Silent Writing

This term Year 3 participate in 10 minutes of silent writing after lunch. This is an opportunity for the children to write for enjoyment and to practice strategies they have learnt in our guided writing lessons and during literacy groups. The students have been very engaged and many of them have produced fantastic blurbs for stories they are going to write about.


If you have a blurb or a piece of writing you would like to share, write it in the comment section.

Student Blog 

Lately for 10 minutes after lunch we have been doing silent writing. It is a time when we can calm our bodies and improve our writing. Each afternoon we set ourselves a goal such as punctuation or handwriting. Silent writing is basically free writing but silently. You can write anything in any text type. Some text types include narrative, procedure, poems and many more. It is a fun activity because we can free our minds and follow our imagination. We LOVE silent writing!!!!