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Thursday, 6 November 2014

Drama and Yoga

This term Year 3 is participating in Yoga and Drama lessons.

Drama takes place every second Thursday afternoon. The students are completing a unit on explorers which will skill them in improvisation and movement. They will learn to:
·       express dramatic meaning by taking on and sustaining familiar and different roles and by selecting character-specific props, gestures and movements
·       use the elements of drama to deepen the meaning of the drama and in discussing drama work
·       interpret the meaning of their own drama and that of others

The students have completed freeze frames from the story book “Where the Wild Things Are”. A freeze frame is a silent, motionless depiction of a scene. The students use their bodies to make an image or picture capturing an idea, theme, or moment in time. Check out the photos below!!!


Our Yoga lessons take place every Wednesday for 15 minutes. Yoga enhances physical flexibility, refines balance and coordination, develops focus and concentration and boosts self-esteem and confidence. Year 3 have been following a program called Cosmic Kids. This is an online yoga lesson for kids where they are taken on a journey while completing different yoga moves.
The students have all learnt the secret yoga code…..Namaste.


Post below your favourite thing about drama or yoga time
Choose a picture book you really enjoy complete a freeze frame on your favourite page in the book. Take a photo and bring it into class to be displayed.

Student Blog

In class we have been doing yoga on Wednesday and drama on Thursday they are so FUN! 
3 2 1....ACTION!! Now for drama. we play a warm up game called the treasure box, where we pass a box around a circle and each person must pretend to  silently open the lid using expression and different emotions. The an item such as skipping, a bike or whatever the person wants to pull put of the magic box. The person then pretend to use it as if it was real. The treasure box gets passed around the circle. Another warm up activity we play is pass the torch. The aim of the game is to sing a song and when the songs finishes if you are the last one holding the torch you need to pull a scary, funny, crazy face in front of the class without laughing. 

Namaste!! Yoga is a relaxing moment. 
We do yoga to relax and to keep calm. We do drama to explore our imagination and to refresh our minds to have a moment with ourselves. We learn about all the moves through fun missions. We love it!!!


  1. This was all so FUN!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hi John, I found it fun too when Mrs Shelton showed me on Wednesday. I hope you are relaxing on your holiday. See you when you get back

  2. Dear Mrs Standring/ Miss Veiling,

    My favourite part of yoga is to calm down and enjoy the new stories each Wednesday for 15 mins.

    My favourite part about DRAMA is how you can express yourself in many different ways

    1. I wish I was there for 'Where the Wild Things Are' I love that book. The pictures look great.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My favourite part about yoga is the relaxing exercise i got to do, while having fun.

    My favourite part of drama is how we got to act and express ourselves, while having fun with your friends.

    1. Hi Ansley, You are awesome actors. The reenactment of 'Where The Wild Things Are' was awesome.

    2. That's really nice, Ansley. I'm so glad that you had fun. I can't wait till we do this again!

  4. Yoga is great, I like the new adventures every week.Plus, I like the book"Where The Wild Things Are". Everyone's act was cool!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hi Jacob,
      So true everyone's act was cool.Well done everyone.

  5. I love doing yoga because it also helps my gymnastics skills.
    At gymnastics we call the thing that you put your legs up from the ground and hold your body with your arms, forward chicken.

    1. Cool Lucas, You should start a list of terms used in yoga. Then we can use them when talking about it.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Everyone, Yoga is fun and relaxing and you learn more yoga moves.
    DRAMA is a time to express your self and I love the pictures and the book where the
    wild things are.
    From Elodie

    1. Where the Wild Things Are is a great book . Did you see the movie?

  8. Hi everyone, my favourite thing about drama was when we got to do anything we wanted when we did the treasure box. My favourite thing about yoga was when we got to do the secret yoga code word which is Namaste.

    1. Hi Zara, I am slowly learning more about yoga. I am not very good at the moves yet but I will get better at it I am sure.

  9. Hi Year 3, it's Annika.
    My favourite thing about drama is the treasure box because you can be what ever you want to be.
    BTW - CATS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Go Annika, Cats definitely rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      I cannot wait to see the next treasure box so I can see what you choose to be.

    2. Annika were you meant to say DOGS RULE ;)

  10. Hiiiiiii!

    I like the magic treasure box as well, but no, DOGS rule!!!!!! :)

    1. Yes they do Blake!!

    2. Hi Miss Veling, I didn't mean dogs rule. CATS RULE!!!

  11. BTW- I have made a freeze frame on 'the 13-story treehouse!'

    1. I would love to see this tomorrow.

    2. That's fantastic Blake. I am with Miss Veling. I would love to see your freeze frame.

  12. yoga is the best and drama is so fun and by the way dogs rule!

    1. Oh my, my poor little cats. Maybe we should do a drama activity around dogs and cats.

  13. Hi year 3!!!!!! Yoga is fun because it has adventures on YouTube from cosmic kids.
    Drama is fun because it has actions.

    From Theora and Peter

    1. Hi Theora and Peter,
      Not only is Yoga fun it is also a great form of exercise. You have all done a great job at learning the positions.

  14. hi year three!! sorry I am not at school I am not feeling well :(

    from Theora

  15. go miss veling dogs rule and I mean it

  16. hi guys , mrs standring did you know this very important fact? NO!!! DOGS ARE THE BEST AND DEFINETLY RULE!!!!!! not the other way around!! you did not know that did you????

    1. I feel sad for all lovely fluffy cats in the world. There is enough room for all of them isn't there.

  17. Hi Mrs Standring, DOGS actually are the best because cats are so lazy and dogs are fun and full of excitement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    from Angelina E

    1. Hi Angelina,
      Cats aren't lazy they just know how to get people to do things for them , like giving them cuddles, letting them sit on their laps. They are very intelligent actually.

  18. well my dog is better than cats so i love dogs better because they are INTESTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I agree Louisa, Dogs are interesting. What do you like about drama?

  19. Mrs Standring don't feel lonely I'm a cat lover aswell
