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Thursday, 27 March 2014

Addition and Subtraction

During a numeracy block we always start with a warm up activity. This is a very important part of preparing the children to the concepts of place value, counting, addition and subtraction or multiplication and division. During the last few weeks the children have been concentrating on improving their mental strategies in the strand of Number focusing on addition and subtraction.
One of the activities we have been playing over the last few weeks is '100 or Bust'. The children have organised a blog this week on this game and have also recorded a video showing how to play the game.

Year 3 played 100 or bust.
You will need 10 bundles of 10. First you gather a group of people. We recommend 2 to 5 players. We had 10 bundles of 10. We rolled a dice and took that number away and said a number sentence. For example 100- 6 = 94. We repeat the first two steps until we have none left. We rotate in a clockwise direction. The person who takes the last object is the winner. You do not need to use paddle pop sticks you can use: buttons, lego pieces, pasta or straws.
By Thomas V, Daniel, Cassie, Elodie and Isobel C    PS Thank you

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