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Monday, 21 July 2014


During Stage 2 the children develop their understanding of three dimensional shapes. Our lessons involve the children making models of three-dimensional objects and describe their key features. This week the children are investigating, making and identifying the variety of nets that can be used to create prisms.
The task is included below:


Imagine a rectangular prism. How many nets can you make of the same
 rectangular prism?
 Would it make a difference if you used a special rectangular prism
like a cube?

To help the children engage in their learning we deliberately discuss with the children the Learning intention of the lesson and together set up a success criteria. The success criteria allows the children to receive immediate feedback and gives them direction on what they need to do to successfully unpack the task. It is important for the children to be challenged by the task and not just roaming the known, which means ding work they already know.Throughout the week the success criteria is added to so the children are continually encouraged to build on their learning.

Learning Intent:

Three-dimensional shapes have faces that show a two dimensional shape. Nets are three-dimensional shapes flattened out. The same three-dimensional shape can have more than one net.
Success Criteria:
  • I can sketch a net.
  • I can find more than one net for the same shape.
  • I can check my answer by refolding my net to form the original shape
  • I can …
An example of a net for a cube

Children's Reflections

Last week we started to investigate three- dimensional shapes. We went on a hunt and Patrick took lots of photos.


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