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Monday, 21 July 2014

Term Three

Week one through the Eyes of the children

In Year Three, Term 3 will be full of great learning reflections that you will be able to read through in our blog. Every day the children are given a topic to write about and spend time in their cooperative groups organising their thoughts and taking photos to enhance their reflections.

Below you will find last weeks blogs. Enjoy!

New Boy

On the first day of term 3, 2014 we welcomed a new boy, named Samuel. He is in 3V. He speaks a little bit of English but is enjoying teaching us his native language - Slovakian. Samuel is visiting us for a month. He is very smart, well behaved and so far has taught us to say Goodbye in Slovakian.

Australian Animals

Now that we are in Term 3 we are learning about Australian Animals. In our Integrated books we have started a title page about Australian Animals. A few of the Australian animals are extinct and some are very rare. Some of the animals are dingoes, kangaroo, wombat but their are some other ones we haven't even heard about yet. Some live on land and some live live in the sea near Australia.
These are the names of some of the mammals that live in the water; platypus, dolphins and whales.

Do you know any collective nouns used for animals? Send them in and we will add them to our list.
Mob of kangaroos
Parliament of owls
Murder of of crows


  1. Sounds like you have learnt heaps!

  2. Samuel was nice but he left that was sad by Samuel
    from kaitlyn lafferty
